Enhance Learning in Your Classroom

Enhance Learning in
Your Classroom

Enhance Learning in
Your Classroom

Whether you run a language school or you're a private language tutor, Univerbal can be the perfect add-on to elevate your students' learning experience. Engage your students in natural conversations, track their progress, and provide personalized feedback easily.

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Whether you run a language school or you're a private language tutor, Univerbal can be the perfect add-on to elevate your students' learning experience. Engage your students in natural conversations, track their progress, and provide personalized feedback easily.

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Whether you run a language school or you're a private language tutor, Univerbal can be the perfect add-on to elevate your students' learning experience. Engage your students in natural conversations, track their progress, and provide personalized feedback easily.

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Let's fix education • Let's fix education • Let's fix education •


Your students become accustomed to expressing themselves spontaneously and effectively, allowing them to overcome exam nerves and perform at their best.


Univerbal's realistic scenarios help your students build their speaking skills, enabling them to deliver their thoughts articulately and authentically.


Through interactive conversations with our AI tutor, they receive instant feedback and guidance to improve their accents and intonation.

Interactive Homework

Enable your students to practice at home and request transcripts of their conversations, fostering insightful discussions.

Personalized Scenes

Create customized scenarios for your students to practice industry-specific vocabulary. Define the roles they will assume, the settings they'll be in, and the people they'll interact with.

Time Efficiency

Maximize your teaching time, focus on targeted interventions, and efficiently track student progress, freeing up valuable time for interactive discussions and personalized guidance.
Join us and let's revolutionize
language education together!

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with the subject "Business interest in Univerbal".
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Or simply send an email to
with the subject
"Business interest in Univerbal".
We're looking forward to your message.