New friend

New friend

Bonjour comment ça va?

Bien. Ton chien 🐶 comment
ça va?

Mon chien adore
les carottes 🥕 maintenant.

Vraiment? Les carottes 🥕
c'est très drôle!

Il pense qu'il est un lapin 🐰

Ha ha 😂 il est vraiment
spécial, ton chien.

Bonjour comment ça va?

Bien. Ton chien 🐶 comment
ça va?

Mon chien adore
les carottes 🥕 maintenant.

Vraiment? Les carottes 🥕
c'est très drôle!

Il pense qu'il est un lapin 🐰

Ha ha 😂 il est vraiment
spécial, ton chien.

Real Conversations

Real Conversations

Real Conversations

Real Confidence

Real Confidence

Real Confidence

in 20+ languages

in 20+ languages

in 20+ languages

Learn a language by talking, from day 1 with the AI Language Tutor in your pocket.

Learn a language by talking, from day 1.
The AI Language Tutor in your pocket.

Learn a language by talking from day 1. The AI Language Tutor in your pocket.

  • Korean

  • Japanese

  • English

  • German

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Italian

  • Chinese

  • More

Made to suit you

Made to suit you

Your AI Language Tutor adapts to you and creates a curriculum just for you, based on your skills and progress. Learn on your schedule.

Your AI Language Tutor creates a curriculum based on your skills and progress. Learn on your schedule.

  • Francesca

    Italian Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

  • Bruno

    Portuguese Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Jasmijn

    Dutch Tutor

  • Juan

    Spanish Tutor

  • Jisoo

    Korean Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Max

    German Tutor

  • Wei

    Chinese Tutor

  • Kaori

    Japanese Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

  • Åsa

    Swedish Tutor

  • Juan

    Spanish Tutor

  • Özge

    Turkish Tutor

  • Radu

    Romanian Tutor

  • Francesca

    Italian Tutor

  • Bruno

    Portuguese Tutor

  • Francesca

    Italian Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

  • Bruno

    Portuguese Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Jasmijn

    Dutch Tutor

  • Juan

    Spanish Tutor

  • Jisoo

    Korean Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Max

    German Tutor

  • Wei

    Chinese Tutor

  • Kaori

    Japanese Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

  • Åsa

    Swedish Tutor

  • Juan

    Spanish Tutor

  • Özge

    Turkish Tutor

  • Radu

    Romanian Tutor

  • Francesca

    Italian Tutor

  • Bruno

    Portuguese Tutor

  • Francesca

    Italian Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

  • Bruno

    Portuguese Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Jasmijn

    Dutch Tutor

  • Juan

    Spanish Tutor

  • Jisoo

    Korean Tutor

  • Charlotte

    French Tutor

  • Max

    German Tutor

  • Wei

    Chinese Tutor

  • Kaori

    Japanese Tutor

  • Hannah

    English Tutor

Feedback for every message

Instant feedback

Instant feedback

With instant suggestions you can Improve while you practice. Finally get the practice you need and make progress in real time.

With instant suggestions from your AI Language Tutor, you can improve while you practice.

Improve while you practice with suggestions after every message.

Safe space for mistakes

Safe space

Safe space

Increase your confidence to get out there and talk like a native! No matter how many mistakes you make your AI Tutor will never judge you.

Increase your confidence to get out there and talk like a native! Your AI Tutor will never judge you.

Increase your confidence to get out there and talk fluently! Make mistakes without being judged.

Supported by top researchers

Backed by researchers

Researchers approved

Our immersion language learning method has been developed in collaboration with world class researches from top institutions in Switzerland.

Our immersion language learning method was developed in collaboration with researchers from leading Swiss institutions.

Our immersion language learning method was developed in collaboration with top researches from leading Swiss institutions.

Get Started for free







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is learning

I was amazed how quickly my conversational abilities improved! It gave me the confidence I

needed to take my French to the next level.

I can honestly say that Univerbal has been my best, and most fun, language learning tool.


is learning

The AI is really great! You can have completely natural conversations with the AI and receive tips for improvements. Everything is precisely tailored to your own language level. For me, the optimal way to learn a language: speak it yourself and learn vocabulary and grammar using the improvement tips.


is learning

I finally found the type of app I'm looking for. 10/10!!!!! You can practice your listening, speaking, reading and sentence construction regardless of your level because there are hints and translations and while it has some fixed conversations, you have the freedom to engage in more free form ones.


is learning

As trite as it may sound, Univerbal has literally revolutionized my language learning experience.

Conversations on the app have allowed me to practice Spanish in a way that feels both natural and engaging.


is learning

I haven't practiced English since 1996. I started again for work reasons and after using Univerbal for 10-20 minutes every day for a few months, I was able to do an interview with a colleague in English, which I never thought would be possible.


is learning

I got the subscription after my trial ended almost immediately, as I was missing it. I normally would never even consider paying something like this for an app, or subscription. But I can honestly say I have progressed much further with this app in the short time I've used it, than I have my years prior learning Spanish. 


is learning

I like this app, its feedback system keeps me correcting my mistakes. After I continued to use it for a week, I became fluent in conversations with my friends. 😊


is learning

My favorite Univerbal feature is the custom conversations. It gives you the ability to submit your own prompt to the AI, so you can create your own personal taxi cab driver, flight attendant, food server, cashier, language tutor, verb conjugation quizzer, or even...a close friend.  🫶


is learning

The app is amazing.

It helps you to improve your skills promptly, and it adjusts for you personally. It's really oriented on your language level. You're not stuck with something too simple. It's just a bit harder than you're used to, that's comfortably pushing you to develop, and that is awesome!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Univerbal free?

What languages can I learn?

Can I learn more than one language at the same time?

How does AI language learning work?

I have another question!